Colorado Notice Standard Update For Residential and Commercial Property Damage

Timothy Burchard | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | August 24, 2018 Many of us in Central Colorado remember the hail storm that wreaked havoc on the Denver metro area in May 2017. What happens when hailstorm damage to your property does not manifest itself for a period of months, or even a year later?… Continue reading Colorado Notice Standard Update For Residential and Commercial Property Damage

The Challenges in Mediating Multi-Defendant Cases

Richard P. Byrne, Esq. | National Arbitration & Mediation | July 2018 One of the challenges a Mediator faces is multi-defendant litigation where the defendants are consumed with the issues among and between each other and are drawn more to in-fighting than in addressing the claims of the plaintiff. This can materialize not only through… Continue reading The Challenges in Mediating Multi-Defendant Cases

Anatomy of a Construction Dispute- An Alternative

Christopher G. Hill | Construction Law Musings | July 18, 2018 Over the past three weeks, I’ve discussed three “stages” of a construction dispute from the claim, to how to increase the pressure for payment, to the litigation. While these three steps are all too often necessary tools in your construction collection arsenal, they are expensive and time consuming.… Continue reading Anatomy of a Construction Dispute- An Alternative

Connecticut Supreme Court Again Asked to Determine the Meaning of Collapse

Tred R. Eyerly | Insurance Law Hawaii | July 25, 2018 Faced with a series of policies, earlier ones which did not define collapse, newer policies which did, the court determined there was a possibility of coverage under the older policies which did not define collapse. Vera v. Liberty Mut. Fire Ins. Co., 2018 U.S. Dist.… Continue reading Connecticut Supreme Court Again Asked to Determine the Meaning of Collapse

Is Being Named As An “Additional Insured” On An Insurance Endorsement Sufficient To Provide

Henry L. Goldberg and Michael J. Hogan | Moritt Hock & Hamroff | August 22, 2018 The New York Court of Appeals (New York’s highest court) recently held that being named as an additional insured on a Certificate of Insurance might not, by itself, provide any coverage for additional insureds. The Dormitory Authority of the… Continue reading Is Being Named As An “Additional Insured” On An Insurance Endorsement Sufficient To Provide

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