Courthouse Reporter Series: Louisiana Supreme Court Holds Architect Has No Duty to Safeguard Third Parties Against Injury, Regardless of Knowledge of Dangerous Conditions on the Project

Stu Richeson | The Dispute Resolver In Bonilla v. Verges Rome Architects, 2023-00928 (La. 3/22/24); 382 So.3d 62, the Louisiana Supreme Court held because the terms of the agreement between the architect and the public owner did not give the architect responsibility for the means and methods of construction or for safety on the project, the… Continue reading Courthouse Reporter Series: Louisiana Supreme Court Holds Architect Has No Duty to Safeguard Third Parties Against Injury, Regardless of Knowledge of Dangerous Conditions on the Project

Construction Litigation Roundup: “Indeed, You Just Design ‘Em”

Daniel Lund III | Phelps Dunbar Seeking to be extracted from personal injury litigation initiated by a laborer on a project in New Orleans, an architect sued for negligence filed a motion for summary judgment.  The plaintiff had “testified in his deposition that after demolishing most of one of the side walls of the vault… Continue reading Construction Litigation Roundup: “Indeed, You Just Design ‘Em”

The Saiber Construction Law Column: February 2024

Robert Nussbaum | Saiber In the April 2023 OnSite issue, the Saiber Construction Law Column discussed a 2022 case in which the Supreme Court of Maryland held that a party who hires an independent contractor is generally not liable to an employee of that contractor for injuries caused by the contractor’s negligence in performing the work for… Continue reading The Saiber Construction Law Column: February 2024

Stick To Supervision: Best Practices For General Contractors To Avoid Liability Under The “Doctrine Of Active Participation”

Ciaran T. Kelly | Frantz Ward It has long been established under Ohio law that a construction site is an inherently dangerous workplace and a subcontractor who works at a construction site is engaging in inherently dangerous work.1 Generally, Ohio law imposes no duty upon a general contractor to render a workplace safe for its subcontractors… Continue reading Stick To Supervision: Best Practices For General Contractors To Avoid Liability Under The “Doctrine Of Active Participation”

The Role of Expert Witnesses in Personal Injury Trials: What You Need to Know

Salvatore Grillo | Grillo Law Personal Injury Lawyers Obtaining compensation for damages resulting from the actions of a careless party often requires litigation, wherein your legal representative must demonstrate the cause of an accident or incident. In addition to utilizing eyewitness testimony, official reports, and other forms of documentation to establish the details of your… Continue reading The Role of Expert Witnesses in Personal Injury Trials: What You Need to Know

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