The Trick to Getting Blockchain to Work for Insurance

Jason Contant | Canadian Underwriter | July 30, 2018 The trick to getting blockchain to work in the insurance space is getting all the players in the market to align and agree on common standards and a way to govern the blockchain, Aon Benfield’s chief information officer said Friday. “There’s a massive efficiency play there if you… Continue reading The Trick to Getting Blockchain to Work for Insurance

Blockchain: Mechanics and Magic

Stephen J. Mildenhall | Aon The Blockchain cures all ails. It is an immutable (unchangeable) and unhackable database. It lowers transaction costs and enables trust between strangers. It unshackles us from authority. It will revolutionize insurance: Executives everywhere must pay attention. Blockchain is the new plastic. Or so the myth goes. Numerous articles have explained… Continue reading Blockchain: Mechanics and Magic

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