Jury Trials: A COVID Update

Joshua Lane | Ahlers Cressman & Sleight Budd v. Kaiser Gypsum Co., Inc., — Wn. App. 2d –, 505 P.3d 120 (Wash. Ct. App. 2022). (1) Courts must ensure that juries are randomly selected to provide a fair and impartial jury. (2) While the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments prohibit the systematic exclusion of distinctive groups from… Continue reading Jury Trials: A COVID Update

“Every Breath” Theory: On Its Last Breaths?

Sharon L. Caffrey, Alyson Walker Lotman and Erin M. Carter – January 28, 2013 The “every breath,” or cumulative exposure opinion, has been proffered by plaintiffs’ experts in asbestos cases to prove specific causation, regardless of the type of product or amount of exposure. The U.S. District Court for the District of Utah joined the… Continue reading “Every Breath” Theory: On Its Last Breaths?

New York Mesothelioma Lawyer Says Lung Cancer Awareness Month Highlights Asbestos Dangers

Joseph W. Belluck November 09, 2011 Asbestos is a top cause of deadly diseases that claim thousands of lives each year, according to mesothelioma attorney Joseph W. Belluck of New York’s Belluck & Fox, LLP. Tragically, you’re looking at cancers that are often fatal. That’s especially true in mesothelioma, where there is no known cure.… Continue reading New York Mesothelioma Lawyer Says Lung Cancer Awareness Month Highlights Asbestos Dangers

Florida jury awards $20 million for mesothelioma – Lexology

Goldberg Segalla LLP USA October 18 2011 In Garrison v. Union Carbide Corp. (Fla. Cir., Broward Co., Sept. 21, 2011), Charles Garrison alleged that he was exposed to asbestos-containing joint compound while remodeling the attic in his uncle’s home in 1974. Mr. Garrison did the work in exchange for free housing while attending college. The… Continue reading Florida jury awards $20 million for mesothelioma – Lexology

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